home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Copyright (c) 1992-1995 SAS Institute Inc., Cary NC */
- /* */
- /* AUTHORS: Doug Walker and Lisa Dixon */
- /* */
- /* 1. The external array GPInfo contains all the information needed */
- /* to put up the histogram. GPCur is the number of elements in */
- /* the GPInfo array. Do not modify GPInfo or GPCur. */
- /* Look in the file guiprofpriv.h for the definition of the */
- /* structure pointed to by GPInfo. */
- /* */
- /* 2. The external variable report_type tells you what kind of report */
- /* to produce: */
- /* Percentage - percentage of total time */
- /* Count - Count of number of calls */
- /* Time(incl) - Time in function including subroutines */
- /* Time(excl) - Time in function excluding subroutines */
- /* */
- /* 4. The function InitReport will be run at GUIPROF startup. */
- /* _STDReport will run after it exits. Use these functions for */
- /* initialization and cleanup. */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/gadtools.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include "guiprofpriv.h"
- #include "SMBar.h" /* Controls the scroll bar */
- #define GADP(x) ((struct Gadget *)(x))
- /* These two defines calculate the position and size of the scroll bar */
- /* based on the external variables GPCur and NumOnScreen. GPCur is the*/
- /* total number of functions we have data on, and NumOnScreen is the */
- /* number that will fit on the screen at once. VBMAXPOS, defined in */
- /* "smbar.h", is the maximum range of the scroll bar. */
- #define VBPOS(x) (GPCur-NumOnScreen ? (ULONG)VBMAXPOS*(x)/(GPCur-NumOnScreen) : 0)
- #define VBSIZ(x) (GPCur ? VBMAXPOS*(x)/GPCur : VBMAXPOS)
- #if 0
- #define RBUG(x) printf x ;
- #else
- #define RBUG(x) ;
- #endif
- static void KillCaches(void); /* Forces a complete redraw */
- static void SetNums(void); /* Calculates range and sets up NumOnScreen */
- static void InstallMenus(struct VisualInfo *vi); /* install menus */
- /* report_type contains a RPT_ value as defined in guiprofpriv.h */
- /* oldreport_type contains the value of report_type as of the */
- /* last time Report() was called to generate a report. This is*/
- /* used to determine how much of the information on the screen */
- /* we can reuse. */
- int report_type;
- static int oldreport_type = -1;
- /* oldmaxval 'remembers' the maximum range of the last time */
- /* Report() was called. If the maximum range has changed, we */
- /* need to redraw just about everything. */
- static ULONG oldmaxval;
- /* oldfullnames 'remembers' the old value of the 'fullnames' */
- /* option. */
- static int oldfullnames = -1;
- /* These two are the array index of the first function to */
- /* appear on screen, and the number of entries that can fit */
- /* on the screen, respectively. */
- static int FirstOnScreen, NumOnScreen;
- /* This variable is nonzero if the user is currently holding down the */
- /* mouse button on the scroll bar. If this is the case, we don't */
- /* update the scroll bar, since this would jerk the knob out from the */
- /* user's control. */
- static int bardown;
- /* These are the IDCMP flags we use when we open the window. */
- /* Several #defines follow which define the edges of the drawing area */
- /* and its various subareas. */
- /* These four define the sizes of the margins on the various sides of */
- /* drawing area. They use 'win', which points to the display window. */
- #define LEFT_MARGIN (win->BorderLeft+5)
- #define RIGHT_MARGIN (win->BorderRight+5)
- #define TOP_MARGIN (win->BorderTop+5)
- #define BOTTOM_MARGIN (win->BorderBottom+5)
- /* TEXT_LEFT is the leftmost edge of the function label area */
- /* These four define the four boundaries of the histogram area */
- /* They use the externs 'win', 'hist_bottom', and 'text_width', all */
- /* which are defined later in this file. */
- #define HIST_LEFT (TEXT_LEFT+text_width+3)
- #define HIST_RIGHT (win->Width - RIGHT_MARGIN)
- #define HIST_BOTTOM hist_bottom
- /* This one defines the width of the histogram area. labellen is an */
- /* extern which is the number of pixels to reserve for the histogram */
- /* label. */
- #define HIST_WIDTH (HIST_RIGHT - HIST_LEFT - labellen)
- /* MAX_TEXT_WIDTH is the biggest the text area will grow to. MIN is */
- /* the smallest it will ever be, and its initial size. */
- #define MAX_TEXT_WIDTH 200
- #define MIN_TEXT_WIDTH 80
- /* labellen is the size of the biggest histogram label. We need to save */
- /* room on the right of the histogram for these labels. */
- ULONG labellen;
- /* text_width is the current size, in pixels, of the text area (used to */
- /* label the histogram.) old_text_width stores the text_width value as */
- /* of the previous call to Report(), so we can detect changes and force */
- /* a redraw. */
- USHORT text_width = MIN_TEXT_WIDTH;
- USHORT old_text_width;
- /* TICK_HEIGHT is the height (in pixels) of the tick marks on the axis. */
- #define TICK_HEIGHT 8 // Needs to be divisible by 2
- /* axis_top is the position of the top of the axis. hist_bottom is the */
- /* bottom position of the histogram. They are closely related: if we */
- /* are in fact drawing an axis, they are 5 pixels apart. If we are not,*/
- /* they are the same value. */
- static int axis_top;
- static int hist_bottom;
- /* The following #define computes x as a percentage of m, returning */
- /* the results as an integer and performing rounding. Everything is*/
- /* done using integer math. */
- #define PCTOF(x,m) ((m) == 0 ? 0 : (((x)*1000+5)/((m)*10)))
- /* NOTE: Keep the #defines in this array up to date wrt the contents. */
- /* They are used to update the checkmarks before creating the */
- /* menus, in InstallMenus() below. */
- static struct NewMenu mynewmenu[] =
- {
- {NM_TITLE, "Draw Histogram", 0 , 0, 0, 0,},
- #define DRAW_TYPE_INDEX 1
- { NM_ITEM, "Percent", "1", CHECKIT, ~1, 0,},
- { NM_ITEM, "Time (excl.)" , "2", CHECKIT, ~2, 0,},
- { NM_ITEM, "Time (incl.)" , "3", CHECKIT, ~4, 0,},
- { NM_ITEM, "Count" , "4", CHECKIT, ~8, 0,},
- { NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0 , 0, 0, 0,},
- { NM_ITEM, "Quit...", "Q", 0, 0, 0,},
- {NM_TITLE, "Options", 0 , 0, 0, 0,},
- #define SORT_INDEX 8
- { NM_ITEM, "Numeric Sort", "N", CHECKIT, 2, 0,},
- { NM_ITEM, "Alphabetic Sort", "A", CHECKIT, 1, 0,},
- { NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0 , 0, 0, 0,},
- #define DRAW_AXIS_INDEX 11
- { NM_ITEM, "Draw Axis", "X", CHECKIT|MENUTOGGLE, 4, 0,},
- #define FULL_NAMES_INDEX 12
- { NM_ITEM, "Full Names", "F", CHECKIT, 8, 0,},
- { NM_END, NULL, 0 , 0, 0, 0,},
- };
- static struct VBar *VBar; // Controls the scroll bar
- static struct Window *win; // Our display window
- static struct Menu *menuStrip; // Our menus
- static struct TextAttr myTextAttr; // TextAttr for the font
- static struct IntuiText myIText; // A convenient IntuiText struct
- static int baseline; // Baseline of the font we're using
- #define YSIZE myTextAttr.ta_YSize // Size of a single histogram line
- /* externs from the SAS/C library. _WBenchMsg is a quick'n'easy way */
- /* to tell if we were invoked from WorkBench: it will be non-NULL if */
- /* we were. __stdiowin[] is the CON: specification for the stdio */
- /* window, in case we need to give the user an error message. */
- extern struct WBStartup *_WBenchMsg;
- extern char __stdiowin[];
- /* InitReport() is an initialization routine. It's called just after */
- /* arguments are parsed, but before anything else is done. */
- int InitReport(void)
- {
- BPTR fh;
- struct DrawInfo *drawinfo;
- APTR visual_info;
- struct Screen *screen; // Our screen
- char *msg;
- /* Open window, attach menus and gadgets, then return. */
- /* the struct Window * has to be an external variable */
- if (screen = LockPubScreen(NULL))
- {
- if (drawinfo = GetScreenDrawInfo(screen))
- {
- myIText.FrontPen = drawinfo->dri_Pens[TEXTPEN];
- myIText.BackPen = drawinfo->dri_Pens[BACKGROUNDPEN];
- myIText.DrawMode = JAM2;
- myIText.LeftEdge = 0;
- myIText.TopEdge = 0;
- myIText.ITextFont = &myTextAttr;
- myIText.NextText = NULL;
- myTextAttr.ta_Name = drawinfo->dri_Font->tf_Message.mn_Node.ln_Name;
- myTextAttr.ta_YSize = drawinfo->dri_Font->tf_YSize;
- if(myTextAttr.ta_YSize <= 0) myTextAttr.ta_YSize = 8;
- myTextAttr.ta_Style = drawinfo->dri_Font->tf_Style;
- myTextAttr.ta_Flags = drawinfo->dri_Font->tf_Flags;
- baseline = drawinfo->dri_Font->tf_Baseline;
- FreeScreenDrawInfo(screen,drawinfo);
- }
- }
- if (NULL != (win = OpenWindowTags(NULL,
- WA_Width, 500,
- WA_Height, 400,
- WA_MinWidth, 400,
- WA_MinHeight, 150,
- WA_MaxWidth, -1,
- WA_MaxHeight, -1,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- WA_CloseGadget, TRUE,
- WA_Title, "GUIPROF: Waiting",
- WA_DragBar, TRUE,
- WA_DepthGadget, TRUE,
- WA_SizeGadget, TRUE,
- WA_PubScreen, screen,
- WA_SmartRefresh, TRUE,
- TAG_END)))
- {
- /* Initialize the scrollbar and menus */
- if(VBar = VBInit(win))
- {
- VBUpdate(VBar, VBMAXPOS, 0);
- if(visual_info = GetVisualInfo(win->WScreen, TAG_END))
- {
- DoTitle(NULL);
- InstallMenus(visual_info);
- FreeVisualInfo(visual_info);
- SetNums();
- UnlockPubScreen(NULL,screen);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- msg = "GUIPROF: Fatal error: can't initialize\n";
- domsg:
- if(screen) UnlockPubScreen(NULL,screen);
- if((fh=Output()) == NULL)
- fh = Open(__stdiowin, MODE_NEWFILE);
- if(fh)
- {
- #define MSG(a,b) Write(a,b,strlen(b))
- MSG(fh, msg);
- if(_WBenchMsg != NULL) Delay(200);
- if(fh != Output()) Close(fh);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /* Cleans up and closes down */
- void CleanupWindowStuff(void)
- {
- if(win)
- {
- if(menuStrip)
- {
- /* Kill and free the menus */
- ClearMenuStrip(win);
- FreeMenus(menuStrip);
- menuStrip = NULL;
- }
- /* Kill the scroll bar */
- if(VBar) VBTerm(VBar);
- /* Close the window */
- CloseWindow(win);
- win = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* Scroll the display up 'count' elements */
- static void ScrollUp(int count)
- {
- if(FirstOnScreen >= count) FirstOnScreen-=count;
- else FirstOnScreen = 0;
- if(!bardown) VBUpdate(VBar, VBSIZ(NumOnScreen), VBPOS(FirstOnScreen));
- }
- /* Scroll the display down 'count' elements */
- static void ScrollDown(int count)
- {
- FirstOnScreen += count;
- if(FirstOnScreen+NumOnScreen > GPCur)
- FirstOnScreen = GPCur - NumOnScreen;
- if(!bardown) VBUpdate(VBar, VBSIZ(NumOnScreen), VBPOS(FirstOnScreen));
- }
- /* Get and handle all pending Intuition messages */
- /* If the 'wait' parameter is nonzero, we wait for the CLOSE message */
- /* otherwise, we return as soon as we've done all pending messages. */
- /* The 'now' parameter tells us the current moment's index so we can */
- /* compute time spent on the stack correctly; we just pass it through*/
- /* to Report(). */
- /* Note that this routine is called from Report(), but it also calls */
- /* Report() at times. */
- static void handle_window_events(int wait, sptime now)
- {
- struct IntuiMessage *msg;
- int done;
- unsigned long pos;
- UWORD menuNumber;
- UWORD menuNum;
- UWORD itemNum;
- struct MenuItem *item;
- static int eattick;
- done = FALSE;
- while(!done)
- {
- while(!done && (msg=(struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(win->UserPort)))
- {
- switch (msg->Class)
- {
- break;
- /* They hit the close gadget. Set 'broken' so we behave */
- /* like they hit CTRL-C if the program is still running. */
- done = TRUE;
- broken = TRUE;
- break;
- #define UP_ARROW 0x4c
- #define DOWN_ARROW 0x4d
- #define PAGE_UP 0x3f
- #define PAGE_DOWN 0x1f
- RBUG(("IDCMP_RAWKEY KeyCode 0x%02.2x\n", msg->Code))
- switch(msg->Code)
- {
- case UP_ARROW: ScrollUp(1); break;
- case DOWN_ARROW: ScrollDown(1); break;
- case PAGE_UP: ScrollUp(NumOnScreen); break;
- case PAGE_DOWN: ScrollDown(NumOnScreen); break;
- }
- break;
- if(VBSelected(VBar, VB_DOWN))
- {
- /* Down arrow on scroll bar */
- ScrollDown(1);
- /* We set 'eattick' so that the next IntuiTick will not */
- /* result in the display changing if they continue to */
- /* hold the button down. */
- eattick = 1;
- }
- else if(VBSelected(VBar, VB_UP))
- {
- /* Up arrow on scroll bar */
- ScrollUp(1);
- /* We set 'eattick' so that the next IntuiTick will not */
- /* result in the display changing if they continue to */
- /* hold the button down. */
- eattick = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if(VBSelected(VBar, VB_SLIDER))
- {
- /* Diddling with scroll bar knob */
- RBUG(("IDCMP_GADGETDOWN scroll bar\n"))
- bardown = 1;
- }
- else if(GADP(msg->IAddress)->GadgetID == VB_SLIDER)
- {
- /* Click on scroll bar box */
- RBUG(("IDCMP_GADGETDOWN scroll bar box\n"))
- }
- else
- break;
- /* Update our position wrt the scroll bar */
- pos = VBRead(VBar);
- FirstOnScreen = (int)((GPCur - NumOnScreen)*pos / VBMAXPOS);
- assert(FirstOnScreen < GPCur);
- assert(FirstOnScreen >= 0);
- }
- break;
- /* They let the bar up; resume setting it when things change */
- bardown = 0;
- break;
- if(eattick)
- {
- /* They pushed down on a scroll bar up or down gadget */
- /* recently; don't update wrt the scroll bar in this */
- /* case since we just did it. */
- eattick = 0;
- break;
- }
- //if up arrow gadget is selected and held down then scroll text up
- //in small increments
- if(VBSelected(VBar,VB_UP))
- {
- ScrollUp(1);
- }
- //else if down arrow gadget is selected and held down then scroll
- //text down in small increments
- else if(VBSelected(VBar,VB_DOWN))
- {
- ScrollDown(1);
- }
- else if(VBSelected(VBar, VB_SLIDER))
- {
- /* If the slider is selected, update the display wrt it */
- pos = VBRead(VBar);
- FirstOnScreen = (int)((GPCur - NumOnScreen)*pos / VBMAXPOS);
- assert(FirstOnScreen < GPCur);
- assert(FirstOnScreen >= 0);
- }
- break;
- menuNumber = msg->Code;
- while ((menuNumber != MENUNULL) && (!done))
- {
- item = ItemAddress(menuStrip, menuNumber);
- menuNum = MENUNUM(menuNumber);
- itemNum = ITEMNUM(menuNumber);
- //subNum = SUBNUM(menuNumber);
- /* See "guiprofpriv.h" for menu item #defines */
- switch(menuNum)
- {
- case MENU_HIST:
- if(itemNum == HIST_QUIT)
- done = TRUE;
- else if(report_type != itemNum)
- {
- report_type = itemNum;
- KillCaches();
- Report(now);
- }
- break;
- case MENU_OPT:
- if(itemNum == OPT_AXIS)
- {
- axis = !axis;
- SetNums();
- KillCaches();
- Report(now);
- }
- else if(itemNum == OPT_FULLNAME)
- {
- fullnames = !fullnames;
- SetNums();
- KillCaches();
- Report(now);
- }
- else if(itemNum+1 != sortby)
- {
- sortby = itemNum+1;
- KillCaches();
- Report(now);
- }
- break;
- }
- menuNumber = item->NextSelect;
- }
- break;
- SetNums();
- /* Fall through */
- KillCaches(); /* Forces an erase */
- Report(now);
- break;
- default:
- RBUG(("unknown IDCMP message\n"))
- assert(1);
- }
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)msg);
- }
- if(wait && !done && !autoexit)
- {
- Report(now);
- Wait(1L << win->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- }
- else done = TRUE;
- }
- }
- void _STDReport(void)
- {
- /* Handle window events until the user selects QUIT */
- /* then clean up, close the window and return */
- if(win)
- {
- DoTitle("Complete");
- handle_window_events(1,0);
- }
- CleanupWindowStuff();
- }
- /* The following routines are called from qsort() to sort based */
- /* on different criteria */
- /* Sort by ETime */
- static int GPByETime(struct GPInfo **a, struct GPInfo **b)
- {
- sptime atime = (*a)->time + (*a)->stkval;
- sptime btime = (*b)->time + (*b)->stkval;
- return(atime < btime ? 1 : atime > btime ? -1 : 0);
- }
- /* Sort by ITime */
- static int GPByITime(struct GPInfo **a, struct GPInfo **b)
- {
- sptime atottime = (*a)->tottime + (*a)->stkval;
- sptime btottime = (*b)->tottime + (*b)->stkval;
- return(atottime < btottime ? 1 : atottime > btottime ? -1 : 0);
- }
- /* Sort by Count */
- static int GPByCount(struct GPInfo **a, struct GPInfo **b)
- {
- int acount = (*a)->count + (*a)->stkval;
- int bcount = (*b)->count + (*b)->stkval;
- return(acount < bcount ? 1 : acount > bcount ? -1 : 0);
- }
- /* Sort alphabetically by function name (ignore case) */
- static int GPByAlpha(struct GPInfo **a, struct GPInfo **b)
- {
- int i;
- char *ap = GPINAME(*a);
- char *bp = GPINAME(*b);
- int ac, bc;
- i = 0;
- do
- {
- ac = toupper(ap[i]);
- bc = toupper(bp[i]);
- i++;
- }
- while(ac && ac == bc);
- return(ac < bc ? -1 : ac > bc ? 1 : 0);
- }
- /* Given a 'long' name in the form "\module\func\line", return */
- /* the function name. */
- char *FuncName(char *p)
- {
- static char tmpname[256];
- char *q;
- int j;
- assert(p != NULL);
- q = strchr(p+1, '\\');
- if(*p != '\\' || q == NULL)
- {
- /* Badly formed name string */
- strncpy(tmpname, p, sizeof(tmpname));
- tmpname[sizeof(tmpname)-1] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- p = q+1;
- for(j=0; j<sizeof(tmpname)-1 && p[j] != '\\' ; j++)
- tmpname[j] = p[j];
- tmpname[j] = '\0';
- }
- return tmpname;
- }
- /* Return the length of the specified name in pixels */
- USHORT GetLength(char *name)
- {
- myIText.IText = name;
- return (USHORT)IntuiTextLength(&myIText);
- }
- /* Truncate the specified name to whatever will fit in the text area. */
- /* Return the length it's been truncated to in 'len'. */
- USHORT Truncate(char *name, USHORT *len)
- {
- int namelen = strlen(name);
- USHORT newlen;
- while(namelen>0 && (newlen=GetLength(name)) > MAX_TEXT_WIDTH)
- name[--namelen] = 0;
- if(*len < newlen) *len = newlen;
- return (USHORT)namelen;
- }
- /* 'scale' is the histogram scale - i.e. how many units each pixel */
- /* represents. */
- static ULONG scale;
- /* KillCaches resets the various cached values so we can be assured */
- /* that EVERYTHING will be redrawn the next time Report() gets called. */
- static void KillCaches(void)
- {
- scale = 0xffffffff;
- oldmaxval = 0xffffffff;
- oldreport_type = 0xffffffff;
- old_text_width = 0xffff;
- oldfullnames = -1;
- }
- /* SetNums calculates the axis_top, hist_bottom, and NumOnScreen externs.*/
- static void SetNums(void)
- {
- if(axis)
- {
- axis_top = win->Height - BOTTOM_MARGIN - YSIZE - TICK_HEIGHT;
- hist_bottom = axis_top - 5;
- }
- else
- {
- axis_top = hist_bottom = win->Height - BOTTOM_MARGIN;
- }
- if(NumOnScreen > GPCur) NumOnScreen = GPCur;
- }
- /* CalcRange calculates the histogram range */
- /* 'maxval' is the maximum data value that must be graphed */
- /* 'minmax' and 'maxmax' are the minimum and maximum acceptable values */
- /* for the histogram range. (maxmax is primarily used to limit the */
- /* PERCENTAGE histogram to no more than 100%. */
- static ULONG CalcRange(ULONG maxval, int minmax, int maxmax)
- {
- int len;
- char buf[32];
- /* First check to see if we can reuse the current scale */
- /* We can do this if the new maxval is less than the */
- /* current scale, and it's not "too small". We consider */
- /* anything less than 3/5 of the current maximum to be */
- /* too small. */
- if(scale != 0xffffffff &&
- maxval<=scale && 5*maxval/3 >= scale) return scale;
- /* The old scale won't work. Pick a new one that allows */
- /* room for growth. */
- scale = 4*maxval/3;
- /* Make sure our choice is within any specified limits */
- if(maxmax>0 && scale > maxmax) scale = maxmax;
- if(minmax>0 && scale < minmax) scale = minmax;
- /* Double-check to make sure the scale includes the values */
- if(scale < maxval) scale = maxval;
- /* Reduce the range as needed to get the labels in */
- /* labellen is used by the HIST_WIDTH macro */
- sprintf(buf, " %d", scale);
- myIText.IText = buf;
- if((len=IntuiTextLength(&myIText)) > labellen)
- {
- labellen = len;
- /* Force a redraw */
- oldreport_type = -1;
- }
- return scale;
- }
- /* Draw the axis, if requested */
- static void DoAxis(ULONG scale)
- {
- char buf[32];
- int i, x, textlen;
- if(!axis) return; // Axis option not on
- /* Erase the current axis */
- SetAPen(win->RPort, 0);
- RectFill(win->RPort, win->BorderLeft, axis_top,
- win->Width-win->BorderRight-1,
- win->Height-win->BorderBottom-1);
- /* Draw the horizontal axis line */
- SetAPen(win->RPort, 1);
- Move(win->RPort, HIST_LEFT, axis_top+TICK_HEIGHT/2);
- Draw(win->RPort, HIST_LEFT+HIST_WIDTH, axis_top+TICK_HEIGHT/2);
- /* Draw the tick marks */
- for(i=0; i<5; i++)
- {
- Move(win->RPort, x, axis_top);
- Draw(win->RPort, x, axis_top+TICK_HEIGHT);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", scale*i/4);
- myIText.IText = buf;
- textlen = IntuiTextLength(&myIText);
- PrintIText(win->RPort, &myIText, x-textlen/2,
- axis_top+TICK_HEIGHT+YSIZE-baseline);
- }
- }
- /* Update the title bar. The title bar is of the form */
- /* "GUIPROF: <status>: Report by <reptype>" */
- /* If specified, our parameter is the new status. */
- void DoTitle(char *new)
- {
- static char title[80];
- static char *graphtypes[] =
- {
- "Percent",
- "Time (No subroutines)",
- "Time (With subroutines)",
- "Count",
- };
- char new_title[sizeof(title)];
- static char *progstatus = "Waiting for program";
- if(new) progstatus = new;
- sprintf(new_title, "GUIPROF: %s: Report by %s", progstatus,
- graphtypes[report_type]);
- /* Check to see if this is different from the previous title */
- /* before updating */
- if(strcmp(new_title, title))
- {
- strcpy(title, new_title);
- SetWindowTitles(win, title, NULL);
- }
- }
- /* This is the big enchilada. Produce the report. */
- /* Our parameter, 'now', is the timestamp of the latest event */
- /* to come in. This allows us to factor in time spent in routines */
- /* that haven't returned yet. */
- void Report(sptime now)
- {
- typedef int (*sortfunc_p)(void const *, void const *);
- static sortfunc_p sortfuncs[] =
- {
- (sortfunc_p)GPByETime,
- (sortfunc_p)GPByETime,
- (sortfunc_p)GPByITime,
- (sortfunc_p)GPByCount,
- };
- static int already_called;
- int ypos;
- int i, indx, doname;
- sptime time, tottime, sumtime, cumtime;
- int count;
- ULONG maxval, newmaxval;
- int LastOnScreen, histlen;
- ULONG histval;
- sptime elapsed, subelapsed;
- static struct GPInfo **rptGPInfo;
- static int oldgpmax;
- struct GPInfo *gpi;
- int freebies = 1;
- char buf[20];
- /* If we haven't already been called once, handle window IDCMP */
- /* events now. Eventually this will return to us and we'll */
- /* continue with the report. */
- if(already_called == 0)
- {
- already_called = 1;
- handle_window_events(0, now);
- already_called = 0;
- }
- /* Update the window titles, in case the report type changed */
- DoTitle(NULL);
- if(now != 0)
- {
- /* Accumulate data for functions that are still on the stack */
- /* Note that if there are functions on the stack that have not */
- /* returned yet, they will be added to the list by FindGPI. */
- /* Since FindGPI expects the list to be sorted by id, do not */
- /* move this code after the qsort() call below. */
- subelapsed = 0;
- for(i=spcur-1; i>=0; i--)
- {
- assert(spdat[i].clk <= now);
- elapsed = now - spdat[i].clk;
- if(spdat[i].id && spdat[i].id != nullid)
- {
- gpi = FindGPI(&GPInfo, spdat[i].id, &GPCur, &GPMax);
- assert(gpi->name == (char *)(gpi+1));
- assert(gpi->fullname[0] == '\\');
- assert(elapsed >= spdat[i].subrs + subelapsed);
- if(report_type == RPT_PCT || report_type == RPT_ETIME)
- gpi->stkval += (elapsed - spdat[i].subrs - subelapsed);
- else if(report_type == RPT_ITIME)
- gpi->stkval += elapsed;
- else
- gpi->stkval++;
- }
- subelapsed = elapsed;
- }
- }
- if(!GPCur) return; // Nothing to display
- SetNums();
- /* Set the scroll bar to reflect our current status unless it's being */
- /* diddled with right now. If so, 'bardown' will be on. */
- if(!bardown) VBUpdate(VBar, VBSIZ(NumOnScreen), VBPOS(FirstOnScreen));
- /* We need our own private copy of the GPInfo array since we will */
- /* be sorting it. */
- if(GPMax != oldgpmax)
- {
- rptGPInfo = realloc(rptGPInfo, GPMax*sizeof(struct GPInfo *));
- if(!rptGPInfo)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "GUIPROF: Out of memory\n");
- return;
- }
- oldgpmax = GPMax;
- }
- memcpy(rptGPInfo, GPInfo, GPCur*sizeof(struct GPInfo *));
- /* Sort the array */
- qsort(rptGPInfo, GPCur,
- sizeof(struct GPInfo *),
- sortby == OPT_SORTNUM ? sortfuncs[report_type]
- : (sortfunc_p)GPByAlpha);
- /* Calculate totals */
- sumtime = cumtime = maxval = 0;
- for(i=0; i<GPCur; i++)
- {
- gpi = rptGPInfo[i];
- if(gpi->rptnamelen == 0 || oldfullnames != fullnames)
- gpi->rptnamelen = Truncate(GPINAME(gpi), &text_width);
- assert(gpi->name == (char *)(gpi+1));
- switch(report_type)
- {
- case RPT_PCT:
- case RPT_ETIME:
- time = gpi->time + gpi->stkval;
- sumtime += time;
- if(time > maxval) maxval = time;
- break;
- case RPT_CNT:
- count = gpi->count + gpi->stkval;
- if(count > maxval) maxval = count;
- break;
- case RPT_ITIME:
- tottime = gpi->tottime + gpi->stkval;
- if(tottime > maxval) maxval = tottime;
- break;
- }
- }
- oldfullnames = fullnames;
- // Compute the maximum percentage if that's the report type we're doing
- if(report_type == RPT_PCT)
- maxval = PCTOF(maxval, sumtime);
- // Set the SIZEVERIFY flag on the window so it won't be resized while
- // we are working on it.
- // Rescale if necessary
- SetNums();
- newmaxval = CalcRange(maxval, 0, report_type == RPT_PCT ? 100 : 0);
- /* Check to see how much we can get away without drawing */
- if(newmaxval != oldmaxval ||
- report_type != oldreport_type ||
- text_width != old_text_width)
- {
- /* Sorry, Charlie - have to redraw it all */
- freebies = 0;
- oldmaxval = newmaxval;
- oldreport_type = report_type;
- old_text_width = text_width;
- SetAPen(win->RPort, 0);
- RectFill(win->RPort,
- win->BorderLeft,
- win->BorderTop,
- win->Width - win->BorderRight-1,
- win->Height - win->BorderBottom-1);
- DoAxis(scale);
- }
- maxval = newmaxval;
- if(axis_top > win->Height - BOTTOM_MARGIN)
- {
- /* Somebody resized the window smaller on us */
- /* Give up and let the next update do it. */
- return;
- }
- assert(axis_top > 0);
- assert(hist_bottom <= axis_top);
- // Figure out the index of the first and last elements on screen
- if(NumOnScreen > GPCur - FirstOnScreen)
- {
- FirstOnScreen = GPCur - NumOnScreen;
- if(FirstOnScreen < 0) FirstOnScreen = 0;
- LastOnScreen = GPCur;
- if(!bardown) VBUpdate(VBar, VBSIZ(NumOnScreen), VBPOS(FirstOnScreen));
- }
- else
- LastOnScreen = NumOnScreen + FirstOnScreen;
- assert(LastOnScreen >= 0);
- assert(LastOnScreen <= GPCur);
- assert(FirstOnScreen >= 0);
- assert(FirstOnScreen <= LastOnScreen);
- /* Reset rptindx for those that aren't on screen */
- for(i=0; i<FirstOnScreen; i++)
- rptGPInfo[i]->rptindx = -1;
- for(i=LastOnScreen; i<GPCur; i++)
- rptGPInfo[i]->rptindx = -1;
- ypos = HIST_TOP;
- indx = 1;
- for(i=FirstOnScreen; i<LastOnScreen; i++, ypos += YSIZE)
- {
- gpi = rptGPInfo[i];
- /* Calculate the length of the new rectangle */
- if(maxval == 0)
- histlen = 0;
- else
- {
- if(report_type == RPT_ITIME)
- histval = gpi->tottime + gpi->stkval;
- else if(report_type == RPT_CNT)
- histval = gpi->count + gpi->stkval;
- else
- {
- histval = gpi->time + gpi->stkval;
- if(report_type == RPT_PCT)
- histval = PCTOF(histval, sumtime);
- }
- gpi->stkval = 0;
- histlen = (histval*HIST_WIDTH)/maxval;
- }
- assert(histlen>=0 && histlen<=HIST_WIDTH);
- if(histval && !histlen) histlen = 1;
- /* At this point, histval is the numerical value of the current bar */
- /* and histlen is the length in pixels of the current bar. */
- if(gpi->rptindx == indx)
- {
- /* This element occurred at this index last time through */
- /* Check to see if we can use any of the previous stuff */
- if(freebies &&
- gpi->histval == histval &&
- gpi->histlen == histlen)
- {
- indx++;
- continue; // Everything's the same
- }
- // If we're accepting freebies, then we know we can leave the
- // name as is. Set 'doname' appropriately.
- doname = (freebies ? 0 : 1);
- }
- else // Not the same index as last time, must redo the name
- doname = 1;
- /* Check to see if they've resized the window on us */
- if(ypos + YSIZE > win->Height - BOTTOM_MARGIN) break;
- if(doname)
- {
- /* Erase the old function name and bar */
- SetAPen(win->RPort, 0);
- RectFill(win->RPort, LEFT_MARGIN, ypos,
- win->Width-RIGHT_MARGIN, ypos+YSIZE-1);
- /* Draw the function name */
- SetAPen(win->RPort, 1);
- myIText.IText = GPINAME(gpi);
- myIText.IText[gpi->rptnamelen] = 0;
- PrintIText(win->RPort, &myIText, TEXT_LEFT, ypos);
- /* Draw the bar */
- if(histlen > 0)
- {
- SetAPen(win->RPort, 3);
- RectFill(win->RPort, HIST_LEFT, ypos,
- HIST_LEFT+histlen, ypos+YSIZE-2);
- }
- /* The label annotation is done below */
- }
- else if(freebies)
- {
- if(gpi->histlen > histlen)
- {
- /* New bar is smaller than the old bar - can happen with */
- /* percentage reports. */
- /* Erase the portion of the old bar that no longer applies */
- SetAPen(win->RPort, 0);
- RectFill(win->RPort, HIST_LEFT+histlen, ypos,
- HIST_LEFT+HIST_WIDTH+labellen, ypos+YSIZE-1);
- }
- else if(gpi->histlen < histlen)
- {
- /* New bar is bigger than the old bar. */
- /* Draw the new portion of the bar */
- if(histlen > 0)
- {
- SetAPen(win->RPort, 3);
- RectFill(win->RPort, HIST_LEFT+gpi->histlen, ypos,
- HIST_LEFT+histlen, ypos+YSIZE-2);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Erase the old bar */
- SetAPen(win->RPort, 0);
- RectFill(win->RPort, HIST_LEFT, ypos,
- win->Width-RIGHT_MARGIN, ypos+YSIZE-1);
- /* Draw the new bar */
- if(histlen > 0)
- {
- SetAPen(win->RPort, 3);
- RectFill(win->RPort, HIST_LEFT, ypos,
- HIST_LEFT+histlen, ypos+YSIZE-2);
- }
- }
- /* Annotate the bar with the value */
- SetAPen(win->RPort, 1);
- sprintf(buf, " %d", histval);
- myIText.IText = buf;
- PrintIText(win->RPort, &myIText,
- HIST_LEFT+histlen+1, ypos);
- gpi->rptindx = indx++;
- gpi->histval = histval;
- gpi->histlen = histlen;
- }
- /* Remove the SIZEVERIFY flag */
- }
- static void InstallMenus(struct VisualInfo *vi)
- {
- /* Make the menus reflect the user's command-line options */
- /* This is VERY dependant on the menu layouts! */
- /* Check the selected report type */
- mynewmenu[report_type+DRAW_TYPE_INDEX].nm_Flags |= CHECKED;
- /* Check the AXIS option if selected */
- if(axis) mynewmenu[DRAW_AXIS_INDEX].nm_Flags |= CHECKED;
- /* Check the FULLNAMES option if selected */
- if(fullnames) mynewmenu[FULL_NAMES_INDEX].nm_Flags |= CHECKED;
- mynewmenu[SORT_INDEX+sortby-1].nm_Flags |= CHECKED;
- if (NULL != (menuStrip = CreateMenus(mynewmenu, TAG_END)))
- {
- LayoutMenus(menuStrip, vi, TAG_END);
- SetMenuStrip(win, menuStrip);
- }
- }